Effective use of technology, aligned, integrated and secure will help your business operations.

As far back as the late 1980's I could see computing approaching the day-to-day lives of accountants.

I have been through the change from paper-based accounting to today's highly computerised environment. I have always seen technology as a fundamental part of the finance function but I have also worked as a business technology consultant both in the context of small businesses and also for an international organisation.

So how can I help your small business with technology issues?

Effective use of technology, aligned, integrated and secure will help your business operations, not only within the internal organisation, but within the business ecosystem - customers, suppliers, staff & contractors, government, banks, etc.

Where would you turn for impartial, objective advice on the use of technology within your business if you don't have that expertise in-house? I am not a technology provider, either in terms of products, solutions, or support services and therefore I can be completely agnostic and objective in helping to assess various options to address opportunities for, or issues with, technology within your business. I have been responsible for technology projects, and I am responsible for technology in the businesses I help run.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of technology within your business, please contact me.